Tony Godwin & Brandon Poor are both law enforcement detectives with large metropolitan police agencies in North Texas. With over 40 years of cumulative experience, and the last 17 years specifically in the area of online child exploitation, they can speak with authority about the vile offenders who are attempting to lure and harm children on the world wide web.
Tony Godwin
Tony Godwin is a 30 year veteran of law enforcement with a combined; 5 years military police and criminal investigations followed by 26 years of civilian law enforcement which began in 1994. Tony has worked for the same police department serving the citizens of North Texas during his career. Tony was assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division (CID) as a Detective in 2005 and began working Crimes Against Children, Crimes Against Persons, and then landing his current assignment with the Northern Texas Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force where he has been serving for more than 13 years. The primary focus of the ICAC Task Force is to combat the exploitation of children on the world wide web. In addition to this, Tony is certified to conduct cell phone and computer forensics acquisitions on evidence seized during these types of investigations. With (30) years of experience, Tony has amassed a long list of special certifications, been certified as an expert in both State and Federal courts, and received a number of awards and recognition’s. Tony is a Master Peace officer, and has an Associates Degree from Cochise College in Sierra Vista, Arizona.
As part of his duties in ICAC work, Tony conducts investigations that deal with online sexual exploitation of children, solicitation of children for sexual purposes, child sexual abuse material (CSAM or CEM), and collaborating with other investigators in the rescue and protection of children. Additionally, Tony devotes time to educating other law enforcement investigators, civic groups, schools, churches, and parents on how to best protect children online, furthering efforts to stop the exploitation of children.
Brandon Poor
Although he received his Bachelor of Music degree from TCU, and his Master of Music Degree from a New York conservatory (having sung professional opera before becoming a law enforcement officer), Brandon Poor has been with a major police department in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex for over 17 years. Brandon started in the Crimes Against Children Unit in 2014, investigating crimes of sexual and physical abuse against children, as well as child death and homicide cases. In 2016, Brandon initiated the creation of the Internet Crimes Against Children Unit in his department, recognizing an immense need for this investigative component in his city, and the necessary collaboration needed within the metroplex. Brandon is also certified through nationally- and internationally-accredited organizations as a cell phone and computer forensic examiner, and has conducted hundreds of forensic examinations for cases involving internet crimes against children, as well as others in the investigative field. Brandon has also testified as an expert in court in the area of internet crimes against children.
As part of his duties in ICAC work, Brandon conducts investigations that deal with online sexual exploitation of children, solicitation of children for sexual purposes, child sexual abuse material (CSAM or CEM), and collaborating with other investigators in the rescue and protection of children. Additionally, Brandon devotes time to educating other law enforcement investigators, civic groups, schools, churches and parents on how to best protect children online, furthering efforts to stop the exploitation of children.